Your CU West routing number is 322172153.
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Routing Number
Credit Union West Routing Number and Other Top FAQs
Routing Number: 322172153
What is an ABA Routing Number?
An ABA Routing Number is a unique, nine-digit number marking the geographic location of your institution. All banks and credit unions in the United States have at least one routing number. At Credit Union West we have just one routing transit number for all account types.
Tip! An ABA Routing Number is often referred to simply as a "Routing Number," an "ABA Number," or an "Routing Transit Number (RTN)." These terms can all be used interchangeably.
What is Credit Union West’s Routing Number used for?
Credit Union West's routing number tells the processing institution where your account was opened. This is why you typically need your routing number along with your account number when you are filling out paperwork. For example, your routing transit number is needed in situations such as:
- Setting up a new Direct Deposit
- Setting up auto payment of bills
- Filing a W9
- Sending wire transfers
- Processing checks
You'll often encounter these when you're getting started with a new employer, setting up bill payments, or filing your taxes. Other examples of times you may need your routing number include:
- Opening a new bank account
- Ordering new checks
- Sending people money
- Transferring money to another institution
- Depositing Social Security checks
- Depositing tax returns
- Filing or updating employment paperwork
How do I find my routing number?
As a Credit Union West member, your routing number is 322172153. You can easily find your routing number in the future, by looking on our website, within your online banking account, or in your checkbook. Check out all of the places you can find the routing number, listed below.
Find your routing number on our Website
Website Header
You can find the number on our website by checking the top right-hand corner of any page. You will see our routing number listed in blue letters on every page of the website.

Website Footer
You can also find it within the footer of each web page. To find it in the footer, scroll all the way to bottom of any page and look for it in gray letters, next to the tools and resources.

Contact Page
The routing number is also listed on specific pages of our website such as the Contact Us page. When you visit our Contact page, you'll see the routing number listed in large letters, just above the Lost/Stolen Card help.

Find your routing number in online banking
Online Banking Footer
Within Online Banking you can find the routing number in all footers on the browser version and in the app. Plus, you can additionally find it on the log in screen of the app, under the "about" icon.

Find your routing number on your Checks
Checkbook & Checks
You can also find your routing number on your checks. Take a look at the numbers lining the bottom of each check. Your routing number will be the first, nine-digit number at the bottom of the check.

Additional Frequently Asked Questions
Joining is easy! All you need to do to become a Credit Union West Member is open your first account online, or at a branch location nearest you.
In order to become a member of our credit union, first check the eligibility requirements:
- Do you live, work, or worship in Apache, Cochise, Coconino, Gila, Maricopa, Mohave, Navajo, Pima, Pinal, Yavapai or Yuma county?
- Do you have a family member who is currently a Credit Union West member?
- Are you an employee of Credit Union West?
If you can say Yes to either question - you are eligible to be a member. Get started by opening an account online!
We do not have a swift code. Instead, we have a routing number, 322172153.
All incoming international wires must come via a United States Bank. We do not originate outgoing international wires.
You can give us a call 24/7 at one of the following numbers and a member services representative will be happy to assist you:
Maricopa: 602.631.3200
Yavapai: 928.778.7156
Toll-Free: 800.621.0287
To open an account, you must:
- Meet out eligibility requirements
- Be prepared with a government-issued photo ID and your social security number (non-US citizens may be able to provide alternative ID)
- Review and agree to the terms of the Membership Agreement
To transfer money, from or to, a different account, link the account from your other financial institution through Online Banking. Once the external account is linked in Online Banking you can easily transfer funds between the accounts.
How to Link An Account In Online Banking
To link an account, log into Online Banking and click on the Dashboard widget. From your dashboard, find the Link External Accounts section and click Get Started.
In the Link Accounts section use the search bar to find your other institution, then enter your login credentials for your other institution's online banking.
If you are entering an account manually, you will need your bank name, routing number and account number.
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